Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Star Trek Movie Pretty Good!

Have you seen the new Star Trek movie? If you enjoyed the previous ones, you would most likely enjoy this one as well. My husband and I, just newly married at the time, enjoyed seeing the very first Star Trek movie when it hit the theaters. In fact, it was the first movie we saw together.

I accompanied my family and our son's friends to the local theater this past Friday evening. Being that the movie had only been out since the previous Friday, my husband bought our tickets online to prevent the disappointment of being sold out when we arrived.

With ticket printouts in hand, we hoped to get there early and get a good seat. But after a series of slowness, not on my part this time I can report, we arrived with only 15 minutes to spare. As we climbed the ramp and rounded the corner to the assigned theater, our lively conversation came to a standstill as we discovered that the only seats left for us to sit together were the first two rows down in front and the last row at the very top. Forgoing the top row where one practically needs binoculars and an oxygen mask, we opted instead to grab the second row from the front, hoping we wouldn't have to schedule a trip to the chiropractor the next day.

I enjoy watching movies like everyone else, but usually prefer to wait for them to come out on DVD so I can pop up my own, less costly, popcorn, or whatever else I wish to eat on my Weight Watchers list, (well, I must admit that some times the snack isn't always WW approved) and recline in my favorite chair. And, if one of us must leave the room for a short break, we can pause the movie and not miss a single moment of the action. Now what theater would allow you to do this? I can hear the crowd now, "Not again. Can't you hold it?"

After a time of trying to adjust my eyes to the closeness of the action and the turning of the head to see the small Enterprise ship in the far right corner of the huge screen as it stared down the mammoth evil ship, I found myself pulled into the action and enjoyed each of the familiar characters as they were introduced into the storyline. The actors did a good job of playing the roles of the Enterprise's "youthful" characters.

Over all, it turned out to be a fun adventure and well worth the journey.

I can't help but think that if that small group of boys, who stated rather loudly how bad the movie was as they walked out in the middle of it, would have changed their minds had they stayed to see the second half.


Erik S. said...

Even though it was a pain-in-the-neck to watch, that movie was awesome!! Haha!

Pinkbeaver said...

I haven't seen the movie yet but it's all the talk everywhere I go recently. Trek fans are coming out of the woodworks it seems. I like the part of your blog where you mention having to turn your head to see the other side of the screen, I remeber that happening to me before and it made me lauph!

Anonymous said...

I am a sit in the back 4 rows at the movie type myself. Makes me sick to sit any closer.

Loved your comments about the Star Trek Movie. My family really enjoyed it also and we look forward to seeing it again sometime! We have been Star Trek fans for many years. I bet they will come out with another movie in the next couple of years since this one was such at hit.

About your Weight Watcher's journey, hang in there and keep at it. You are doing well and it is so worth it! I am on that journey also and starting to really enjoy the benefits that losing the extra weight brings. I am not at goal yet but heading that way, one day at a time! I have found that all the little daily improvements one makes really do add up to make the big picture easier to bring into focus.

Happy Writing and Losing,


Anonymous said...

I loved your description of the Star Trek movie! Yes, wouldn't it be a disaster if one could pause the movie at the theater. Hope they make another Star Trek movie soon.
I really liked the actors they chose to do the current movie!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I just saw the Star Trek movie as well. We really enjoyed it! My favorite character was always Bones. I loved how they made him as crusty and interesting as he was later in life!