Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ann Johnson--Niece, Air Force Cadet

You'll meet Ann in my upcoming novel, "Shadowed in the Springs."

Ann is the daughter of Stormy’s youngest brother, Jared.  Following in the footsteps of a family tradition of military service, she joined the Air Force shortly after she’d graduated High School. Scoring exceptionally well on her entrance exam, Ann was accepted to the prestigious Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  She is proud to be serving her country in this way. Now in her 4th year of study, she is ready to graduate the following spring and head overseas to her first assignment.

Ann wears her naturally curly, brown hair shoulder length, which she gathers up to the back of her head when in uniform, as per regulations.  Her blue eyes light up at the prospect of a day out with friends, and her smile will melt the heart of even the coldest character. Though only 5 feet, 6 inches tall. Ann’s classes mates, both male and female, show her respect when she is put in charge.
When not in uniform, Ann prefers dark jeans and a nice, colorful t-shirt.
She is careful about her choices in both her conduct and the choosing of her friends. She loves horseback riding, hiking, and dancing.

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