Take a look at my new mystery pages and help me solve the mystery. It it up and running now and is filled with several clues for readers to look over. If you think you know the answer to a particular clue, or have a comment about the mystery, just e-mail me and I'll post it to the pages.
I'll look forward to your help.
Hey wow, what a cool idea! Maybe more people will help us figure out what has happened to Aunt Nancy's will! Did you find out where Lucy was meeting someone and did you go there? Any clues?
Eagerly awaiting your news,
Looks pretty snazzy, I look forward to seeing how this puzzle plays out. Fill us in on every new development!
I was taking a look at the postcards you received. Do you notice that some key words are underlined? I wonder if they have anything to do with the numbers on the cards? I thought they were dates at first, but maybe they are page numbers from your book. The cards are a little hard to make out but I will try looking again later.
Yes,I believe you are correct, S. Hounshell. I think the numbers represent not only pages in The Austin Fires, but then state which paragraph on that page and which word in that paragraph. What do you come up with when you then put together all of the words you get off of each of the pages the postcards illude to? when
Very interesting! I will have to grab my copy of your book and check it out. I can't wait to see! I will write all the clues down tonight and check them with the book as soon as I can. Has anyone else come found anything yet?
Surprise surprise, what's this we find?
The myst'ry writer's got a mind!
But now we're at a paradox;
How DOES one crack a seamless box?
Well even Nancy had a clue,
So here's a lim'rick just for you:
I'm up in the darkness and dust;
I'll warp but I'm not scared of rust;
If my contents you'd see,
Then you'll first find the key.
Thinking INside of the box is a must!
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